One Night on the Island - Josie Silver


Set on the remote, Irish island called Salvation, Josie Silver weaves a charming (albeit familiar) romance of girl-meets-boy-while-trying-to-find-herself in "One Night on the Island." Set in alternating perspectives from our protagonists Cleo, a dating columnist from London, and Mack, a photographer from Boston, this romance unfolds within the tight-knit community of Salvation Island in a predictably sweet way, but maybe with a dash too much predictability and sweetness for me. 

If you're a romance reader, then you'll most likely find this book to be right up your alley. Its simplistic and internal dialogue-driven plot contains all the classic tenets of a contemporary romance as well as a refreshing ensemble of characters. Personally, I found the plot (and characters) too surface-level to ever truly connect with; I didn't love Cleo, I didn't love Mack, and by the end of the story, I didn't think there was much to love about their romance. Had Silver dedicated more pages to more profound character development instead of Mack and Cleo's (repetitive and bit dull) internal commentary, I would have liked this so much more. For me, the story could have--should have--been much shorter, as it dragged in a rather directionless way toward the end. 

Overall, a cute romance if you're looking for a light "palette cleanser" read or if you're a true romance lover; not a title I'd go out of my way to recommend though, and likely one I'll forget about sooner rather than later.

Rating: 3 Stars
Publication Details: Out Now, Random House Publishing

Huge thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for providing my review copy!

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