The School for Good Mothers - Jessamine Chan


"The School for Good Mothers" is a knockout right off the bat for its unique content--I've never read a dystopian motherhood story like this one, and it's one I'll remember for a long time. This would be an excellent read for anyone looking for an out-of-the-box, thought-provoking read surrounding autonomy in motherhood.

That being said, even though I am not a mother, this story was tough to read. Beautifully-executed, extremely thought-provoking, and understandably polarizing. Chain’s writing throughout felt very clinical and observational; staccato sentences and brief descriptions that folded together into a heart-wrenching story of motherhood. If the writing had been more emotional, more transportive, this would have been a 5-star read for me.

Great pacing, extremely intriguing, and at no point did I feel like this became a slow burn or that the story lost its vigor. Very much worth the read if you can handle the tough content of the story and separate yourself (especially if you're a mother) enough to enjoy the wild ride it takes you on!

Rating: 4 Stars

Publication Details: Out Now, Simon & Schuster 

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