The Younger Wife - Sally Hepworth


Sally Hepworth’s latest debut did not disappoint! Having now read (and loved) 3 of her books including "The Mother-In-Law" and "The Good Sister," she’s officially an auto-buy author for me and one I would recommend to any reader. At her core, Hepworth has such a gift for writing intriguing, heart-pounding, page-turning thrillers. I fly through her books in almost 24 hours because she is simply that good of a storyteller. 

If you're a reader who is new to Hepworth's work, you can expect complex but plausible characters, excellent pacing, and an undertone of suspense the entire story. Everything written into her books is intentional, and in reading them, it almost feels as though you're reading a film screenplay. 

Something to note--“The Younger Wife” was, for me, by far the toughest of her books to read because of the subject matter. There are a lot of tense, frustrating, even triggering points throughout this story—but, it still made for a fantastic read in my opinion. If you’re someone that cannot read and enjoy triggering topics objectively or separate yourself from a tough subject, I would say to proceed with caution here and read the content warnings in other reviews!

Rating: 5 stars, rounded up

Publication Details: Out Now, St. Martin's Press

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