A History of Fear - Luke Dumas


The Devil is in Scotland, Grayson Hale knows this all too well. He's known, after all, as the "Devil's Advocate" for murdering his classmate Liam Stewart in cold blood. 

As a graduate student at Edinburgh University, Grayson has barely settled into his schoolwork and life away from America before he's plagued by the unnerving suspicion that something dark has found him in the streets of Scotland. When a mysterious figure known as D.B. proposes a writing job to Grayson that he'd be a fool to turn down, it soon becomes clear to Grayson that he's become entangled in something far more sinister than he could have ever imagined.

Perhaps a bold statement, "A History of Fear" is one of the finest pieces of dark academia I've ever come across. It's ominous, pulsating, and the kind of story that settles deep into your mind and breeds--dare I say it, real fear. It's masterfully-written, engaging from the first page, and left me utterly speechless at the last page. What Luka Dumas has crafted in the story of Grayson Hale is something that reaches far beyond "thriller" or even "horror" territory; "A History of Fear" is a genre-bending, dread-filled masterpiece whose countless layers unfold into something so terrifying (yet engrossing) it will be nearly impossible to stop reading once you've started. 

This book was one of my Top Reads of 2022, so don't delay. Bravo.

Rating: 5 Stars
Publication Details: Out Now, Atria Books

*Huge thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for providing my review copy!*

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