The Coworker - Freida McFadden


Dawn Schiff and Natalie Farrell couldn't be more different from one another. Dawn is orderly, perhaps a little too orderly; social graces don't come easily to her, and she finds the company she enjoys most of all is her own.
Natalie is, for all intents and purposes, the reigning queen of their office--every bit as glamorous as she is successful. 

And both women have a secret. 

What starts out as an ordinary day at work ends in turmoil as Dawn fails to show up for her prompt 8:45am start time. Natalie thinks nothing of it as Dawn's cubicle phone continues to ring in her absence, but when she finally answers one of the calls, a faint voice answers her on the other end of the line, "Help me." 

And just like that, Freida McFadden--otherwise known as the sensation who gave us "The Housemaid" and "The Housemaid's Secret" is back--but unfortunately, she is far from better than ever. From first to final page, "The Coworker" read like an unfinished first draft, strewn with odd, ridiculous dialogue and plot holes so plentiful I almost wonder if McFadden could keep track of what she was writing. Having loved "The Housemaid" novels, I expected (as I'm sure other readers will as well) "the twist." In "The Coworker," this was so poorly executed it could do nothing to salvage the story. 

For readers looking for their next jaw-dropping thriller, know that I read this and now you don't have to! For readers whose loyalty to McFadden will compel them to read this anyways, know that you won't find even remnants of the heart-stopping mastery of "The Housemaid" here.

Rating: 1 Star
Publication Details: Out Now, Poisoned Pen Press

*Many thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for providing my advanced review copy of this title*

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