First Born - Will Dean


Molly Raven is an identical twin. Her life in London is quiet, reserved, and governed by the belief that one can never (literally, never) be over-prepared for a bad situation. Halfway across the world, her twin sister Katie is living a vibrant life of partying and spontaneous jet-setting. That is, until she's found dead in her New York apartment with suspicions of foul play. 

If you are a reader that can easily suspend belief and prefers a punch-packing twist to a plausible plot and fully-formed characters, look no further than "First Born." Dean masterfully weaves not one, but several heart-pounding twists into his latest debut; and even more for the experienced reader, these will be hard to see coming. 

Personally, I never became fully invested in the story because of little plot holes, the characters feeling under-developed, and implausible dialogue. The story served up a lot of potential, but ultimately fell short for me even with its jaw-dropping twists and turns. If you're an analytical reader like me, and need your twists to come with a side of strong character development and airtight plot plausibility, I'd recommend you skip this one.

Rating: 3 stars
Publication Details: Out Now, Atria Books

Huge thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for providing my review copy!

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